Additional Podiatric Services

Additional Podiatric Services

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Over 20 Years of Foot and Ankle Surgical Experience

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Your Local Podiatry Experts

If you're in need of compassionate, experienced podiatry care in Franklin, TN or Spring Hill, TN, come to Dr. Poole Foot & Ankle. As a board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Poole treats a variety of foot and ankle concerns. Whether you're seeking treatment for a foot injury, diabetic foot concerns, or an in-grown toenail, Dr. Poole can help. Call our locally owned office today to schedule an appointment!

Podiatric Skin Problems

Do you have dry or cracked skin that has been unresponsive to over-the-counter moisturizers and other treatments? Dr. Poole can examine your feet and make the proper recommendation to treat your dry skin.

Heel Spurs

Are you experiencing heel pain? The cause may be due to a heel spur. Heel spurs occur when calcium deposits build up on the heel bone. As a Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle (RRA) certified-podiatrist, Dr. Poole can remove heel spurs with surgery so you can feel better.


Neuromas are benign tumors of nerve tissue that cause foot pain. There are many ways to treat neuromas including activity adjustment, cortisone injections, and changing footwear. During your exam, Dr. Poole will make the recommendation to best address your neuroma diagnosis.

Corns and Calluses

Foot corns and calluses are thick layers of skin that have formed due to repeated pressure or friction. Occasionally, corns and calluses become problematic and cause pain. If at-home treatments haven't worked for you, Dr. Poole can surgically remove corns and calluses so you can be pain-free.


Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the ball of the foot that affects the metatarsals. Metatarsalgia can often cause a great deal of pain because the metatarsals support your weight when you're standing, walking, and running. Find the best treatment option for you by scheduling an appointment with us today.

Foot Infections

Most foot or toenail infections can be treated with the correct antibiotics and supervision by a licensed physician. If you notice infected skin on your ankles, feet, or toes, get in touch with Dr. Poole Foot & Ankle to book an appointment.

Arthritic Foot and Ankle Issues

Arthritis is a painful disease that causes joint inflammation in the body. When it impacts the feet and ankles, the pain can be unbearable. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat ankle and foot arthritis including utilizing methods that slow the progression of the disease. During your visit, Dr. Poole will make the best recommendation to treat your specific arthritic condition.

Lower Extremity Swelling and Edema

When excess fluid gets trapped in the tissues, it can cause swelling or edema in the lower extremities. Address the root cause of your edema by scheduling an appointment with us.

Chronic Foot Wounds

If left untreated, minor foot wounds can become chronic and severe. Chronic, nonhealing foot wounds should be treated by an experienced, licensed podiatrist such as Dr. Poole. Turn to Dr. Poole to make the most appropriate recommendation for treating your chronic wounds so you can feel better.


As growths caused by viruses beneath the skin, warts can often be painful. Most warts are not a serious threat and are often mistaken for calluses. During your examination, our podiatrists can determine if the spot on your foot is a callus, a corn, or a wart, and make the proper treatment recommendation for you.

Hammertoes and Other Digital Deformities

A hammertoe occurs when a toe is abnormally bent. Hammer toes and other digital deformities occur because of an injury or the long-time use of improper footwear. Treatment options include using foot orthotics and physical therapy. Visit us today to receive the most appropriate suggestion for you.


Bunions occur when a bone deformation forms on the foot where it joins the big toe. Many people get bunions due to genetics or lifestyle. They can also be caused by chronic stress on the big toe or a chronic foot condition such as arthritis.

Fungal Toenails

Fungal toenail infections can be caused by a variety of factors including skin-to-skin contact with someone who has a fungal infection, as well as contact with yeast, bacteria, and molds. When you schedule an appointment with us, you'll receive the proper treatment to eliminate toenail fungus for good.

Ingrown Toenails

A source of great pain for many patients, ingrown toenails occur when nails have grown into the soft skin surrounding the nail bed. In many cases, the corner of the nail curves downward causing an ingrown toenail. If your toenail is slightly ingrown, Dr. Poole can lift the corner separating it from the skin using a splint. If your ingrown toenail is more severe, the side of the nail can be removed permanently with surgery.

Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

As the bone that bears the weight of the entire body, the heel can often be a source of pain for people, especially as they get older. In most cases, heel pain is not a symptom of serious health concerns. However, it can impact your ability to stand, walk, or exercise comfortably. Treatment options include resting the heel, changing footwear, using orthotics, or physical therapy.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy can be used to treat a variety of foot concerns such as foot pain, ankle pain, wounds, and more. Dr. Poole will determine if laser therapy is the best course of action to treat your foot concerns. Get in touch with either our Franklin, TN or our Spring Hill, TN office to book an appointment.

Treating Podiatric Concerns for Over 20 Years

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(615) 281-6198

(615) 281-6198
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Dr. Poole and his staff are the best! They are all concerned for their patients, very professional and kind. I would not go to any other practice for my foot care needs. I have no hesitation in highly recommending them.

D. Christensen

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Dr. Poole Foot & Ankle

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